Friday, November 19, 2010

Relationship continued>>>>I Give up!!!

today after the best ECAC PEP RALLY EVER i got a ride home from my home boy Maurice and we got into my neighborhood as soon as a certain freshman got off her bus.  I decided to let Maurice let me out so I could try to figure out what was said about me that just ruined everything.  Somebody lied on me and I don't even know who.  I am powerless over the situation and I can't get any answers.  So when I asked her she just turned around and that's when I knew it was a lost cause.  All I can do now is try to find out who told her that I lied about sumthin but that wont change anything.  So I ended up walkin that short 15 min. walk home but it felt like an eternity with the situation that just took place on my mind.  Well ima destress by watchin some basketball tonight and some Degrassi. Im done with it im not talkin bout it anymore. If you even bring up that name imma be like ion no who u talkin bout like Kanye said.

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