Saturday, November 13, 2010


This is gonna be a long post.  I dont know when I first started liking this grl but I do remember the first day I met her.  It was the first day of school and her and a group of girls came right in front of me and asked me how old i was.  Then maybe a week later I saw one of them that i liked and i started persuing a relationship.  I learned in the pass that I shouldn't ask a grl who I barely know out so i got to know her first. Everyone was goin crazy whenever we would talk and i decided about a week later that i would aske her out.  We already said we like each other so I did what felt right.  so before fifth block I asked her out and she was acting all shy as usual and i was too hype.  We talked on the phone for a while but one day her phone stopped working. I even made an announcement which turned into a hilarious youtube video to let all my homies know that it was official.  She was the first grl that i ever asked out so of course i was serious about the relationship.  Then this grl named janeva harris lied on me an said that i denied her to a group of seniors .  She believed it and was ignoring me all day and didnt give me a chance to tell her it was a lie till the nxt day I think. so i had a talk with her and whe ended up breakin up cuz she was busy and afterwards she said she thought she was holding me back. A week later things took a turn for the worst.  I was in the library workin on a project then the dean of Early College Academy of Coulumbus ,which is the school that I go to walked in.  She pulled me and my friend kameron into her office.  She heard alot of bull from some people and asked me if we went out.  I told her not anymore ,but she said I needed to tell my mom.  Then I ask  my ex girl now if she wanted to get back together and she said yeah but when i got home her mom called me and she told me not to talk to her anymore.  So basically I had to cool it down for a few weeks and after I let the ppl calm down I find out that she is mad at me.  I asked her why but whenever I ask she jus ignored it.  I decided to ask her best friend to find out but she wont even tell her wut someone said i lied about.  I think she told her who said that I lied though so I gotta find out later.  what makes it even worse for me is that she stays in my neighborhood.  As I type this she is only minutes away walking distance.  I'm just trying to be her friend as of now because she is in another relationship so yeah to be continued.

1 comment:

  1. not like i care or anything but tiff said i spelled jeneva name wrong so there
